25 hardy souls signed on for a 1 hour time trial around Fowlmead last night.

Some seemed surprised this was replacing the usual ‘Friday night training’ and some didn’t even sign up at the thought of a 1 hour slog around Fowlmead.

Usual Fowlmead conditions prevailed- cool, dull and a keen SW breeze.

Riders set of in groups of 5 but soon singled out at the conditions took their toll.

On completion of the hour riders stopped their computers and returned to the time keeper to record their distance for the event.

The furthest distance recorded was by Richard McVey (Adalta) who did 25.14 miles in the hour.

First TRC rider was new comer Melvin Webb with 24:38 miles.

Special mention to Sarah Beevers and David Nolet who completing in their first time trials did 18 miles and 18.65 miles respectively – well done!

Finally thanks go to the team of helpers:

Timekeeper: Andy McCall

Marshals: Teresa Childs, Emma Dickson, Pete Huckstep and Gary Harrison

Those who offered to help: John Beggs, Ken Jones, Seb Dickson.

Normal service is resumed for the penultimate TRC/Adalta Friday night training session next week.

Post from Simon Henderson

1hr TT 29 Aug 2014 results.xls