Whites Summer Series Round.4

Record numbers of riders tonight with 45 also with some international riders from Holland. Thanks helpers and sorry again for forgetting the numbers! I will never do that again. Here are the results from tonight and also the whole results spread sheet including overall positions attached. Reminder best 3 of 6 events count toward overall. […]

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Photos from Heritage Film Project for view

Photos taken during the Thanet Road Club heritage film project are now available to view at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/davealexrob/albums They are unedited and hopefully give an insight into the full range of the club’s activities and what we filmed. It would be great if you could give some feedback by addressing the following question, either using the […]

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Club Mark

We are pleased to announce that Thanet RC has been successful in achieving re-accreditation of Sport England’s Club Mark. This demonstrates that the club is observing best practice in child protection, coaching and competition, equity and club management. Thanks must go to all our club volunteers who have made this award possible. Sent from my […]

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