This weeks’ time trial at Betteshanger CP was the Pip McVey memorial 2-up team time trial.  This was just second time that this event has been run, but it is already proving to be popular with local riders, many of whom will remember Pip, who was the club’s most senior member when he sadly passed away.  In addition to Thanet RC members, we were joined by riders from VC Deal, GS Invicta, Deal Tri and Ashford Wheelers.

The weather conditions were very good by Betteshanger’s standards, warm with light winds.  As a result, there were some good times posted by many of the participants.  We had a large field of 47 riders.  This consisted of 13 two-up teams and 21 solo riders, of which 3 were juniors.

Pip’s son Richard provided a very generous set of prizes for the 2-up event, consisting of of cheeses, beer, chocolates, wine, sweets and cycling socks.

The prizes were spread out amongst quite a few riders, as Richard declared a “one prize only per team” rule. Winners of the event were Ed Blowers and Lewis Barnes from VC Deal who recorded a time of 22.28. The parent and child award went to Jon and Charlie Wood, while the winners of the time closest to 32.47 were VC Deal’s father and daughter pairing of Rob and 9-year-old Edith Preston with 33.27.  Heidi and Trevor Hammond, also of VC Deal, won the prize for fastest mixed team with 24.06.  The award for the oldest pair went to Terry and Jenny Fearn, whilst Ferne and Trevor Peirce were given the prize for the youngest pair.

Regarding the solo riders, Seb Mugford was quickest with a good time of 26.46, while in second place was 11-year-old Stanley Preston with 27.47 and fastest girl was Nina Reid with a time of 28.14.  The quickest solo senior rider was second claim member Mark Hill of VeloRefined with a time of 21.27, while the first female rider was Breda Pooke in a time of 28.03.

Times of all riders can be found in the accompanying table.

As always, we must thank our band of helpers who ensure that the event can take place.  This week, they were Andy McCall, Dave Williams, Ola Zdzieblowska, Richard McVey and Dave Mastin.

All Riders BCP 28th August