It was a successful day for a number of club riders at the Bigfoot CC “25”. This was held on the Chilham-Canterbury-Ashford course and conditions were cool and grey with a northerly breeze which made the return leg from Ashford a bit of a challenge.

Fastest rider was Chris Fennell with an excellent 51.16, and Ollie Robinson (57.09) and Dan Martin (57.14) picked up 1st and 2nd prize respectively in the junior category. Although it is to be confirmed, we believe that these three riders also won the team award. Other rides of note were a PB for Nic Fennell (58.56) and Colin Robinson (1.01.36) with his fastest ride over 25 miles for more than 15 years.

Riders times in start order:-

Dave Mastin: 1.08.27 (not too bad after 2 weeks intensive carbo/beer loading)
Robert Sissons: 1.11.19 (punctured with a couple of miles to go)
Dan Martin: 57.14
Simon Henderson: 58.29 (fresh(?) from a holiday in the Peak District)
Andy MacPherson, second claim: 1.04.34
Huck Garip: 58.26
Paul Kelk: 1.06.18
Andy Burrows: 1.09.20
Nic Fennell: 58.56
Martin Russell: 1.04.34
Chris Bax, second claim: 1.02.29
Chris Fennell: 51.16
Ollie Robinson: 57.09
Colin Robinson: 1.01.36
Rick Perkins: 58.53

Report by Dave Mastin