This weekend’s local time trial was the Catford CC’s Dave Marshall 25 mile event held on the Q25/12 Hamstreet course. It was a cool and grey day, with a rising south westerly wind making the return leg a challenge, particularly for the later starters.

As expected, the event was won by second claim member Chris Fennell (The Independent Pedaler) in a time of 50.32. Brother Nic was not so fortunate, picking up a puncture in the first couple of miles. There was a good ride by junior rider Toby Yemm, taking part in his first open 25. Toby’s time was 1.07.10.

Times of club riders in starting order:-
Andy Burrows: 1.12.32,
Chris Bax (2nd claim): 1.02.32,
Colin Inett: 1.15.33,
Paul Kelk: 1.07.18,
Adrian Hawkins: 56.03,
Mike Perry: 1.22.40,
Chris Fennell (2nd claim): 50.32,
Dave Mastin: 1.10.44,
Toby Yemm: 1.07.10.

Report by Dave Mastin.