This week’s evening time trial at Betteshanger was held over 25 miles and it attracted a good field of 47 riders, including 9 juniors. It was quite a cold night, but fortunately the wind was not too strong from a north westerly direction.

A total of 12 riders got under the hour, (10 seniors and 2 juniors), and I believe that several riders also recorded PB’s. Our fastest junior was Ollie Robinson with 54.50, which was also the 3rd fastest time of the evening. Toby Hammond was the 2nd place junior and he too got under the hour with 59.09. Special mention must go to our youngest rider, Freya Cook, who completed the distance in 1.44.19.

Fastest overall by more than 2 minutes was Chris Fennell with a very good time of 52.22, beating James Mapley of Blazing Saddles who recorded 54.25. Other club members getting under the hour were Simon Henderson, Rob Milnes, Alastair Clifford and Rick Perkins. Nic Fennell nearly joined this group but he was just 4 seconds over the hour! I’m sure a ride under the hour is not too far away.

The times of all riders can be found in the attached PDF documents.

Many thanks as usual go to the band of helpers who make these events take place. They were Tony Arnold, Pip McVey, Eddie Brown, Malcolm Adams, Paul Kelk, Steve Wright, Terry Fearn and Andy McCall.

If you missed out on this event but fancy trying a 25 at Betteshanger, there are two more coming up on 1st June and 3rd August.

Report by Dave Mastin.

Juniors BCP 27th April.pdf

Seniors BCP – 27th April.pdf