This week’s event at Betteshanger Country Park was a 25 mile time trial, covering 12 and a quarter laps of the circuit. Conditions were warm but there was a very strong headwind from the south west. It was expected that times would be badly affected by the conditions, but overall, there were some reasonable times and even a few PB’s.

A total of 32 riders took part, including two juniors. Fastest junior was Olly Dickson with 1:03:47, and fastest senior was Chris Fennell with a fine 51:27, just 4 seconds slower than his course record set a month earlier. Times can be found in the attached files.

As always, we must thank the volunteers who helped with the event. This week they were Sue Shields, Eddie Brown, Martin Hendy, Josh Chivilo, John Sepple, Emma Dickson, Terry Fearn and Dave Mastin.

Report by Dave Mastin.

Juniors BCP 3rd August.pdf

Seniors BCP – 3rd August.pdf