Dear All
I recieved this from a sports science student at Uiversity of Kent. Hope you can help by filling in. Thanks Colin

Hello, my name is Daniel Madigan and I am a student at the University of Kent and I would like to invite you to take part in some psychological research I am doing for my PhD.
The study aims to investigate the relationship between personality and psychological training outcomes. Specifically, the study will look at how perfectionism relates to athlete burnout over time and also at what makes people want to train.
To take part all you need to do is complete the questionnaire (link below) which will take no longer than 10 minutes. You will then be invited to fill in the questionnaire again in 3 months time. To be eligible to take part all you need to do is to train at least twice a week and be over the age of 18 years old. All responses are completely confidential and anonymous and you have the right to withdraw at any time.
The study has been approved by the School of Sport & Exercise Sciences Ethics Committee. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the principal investigator, Daniel Madigan ( Many thanks for your time. Please click here to participate: