The event is going ahead as planned – If you are able to volunteer as a marshal please let me know

Message from event organiser Ian Ferrell

‘You may be aware of potential problems with regards to my KCA event on 13th September.

I have spoken to the lead contractor and I am assured that we will be able to use the full existing circuit.

The turn at Broomfield was the issue. Two small traffic islands have been built prior to the final roundabout before you re-join the Thanet Way. The road here will be re-surfaced this week before the Bank Holiday and whilst extra care will have to be taken, it should not propose any danger to riders. I will of course highlight this in the start sheet and at the HQ on the day.

Of more concern to me will be the slip road at Reculver/Hillboro. We did not use it last year due to the erratic surface and I do not propose to use it this year either. The riders will remain on the A299. A marshal will be placed here as usual’

Post from Simon Henderson