It has been a busy weekend for club riders with members taking part in time trials, road races, omniums, audaxes and sportives.

The club had a good showing of riders in the KCA 50 mile time trial on the Hamstreet-Brenzett-Camber-Lydd course, and were treated to reasonable conditions, except for the poor road surface in several areas! It was sunny with a rising westerly breeze blowing the riders through Camber Sands.

Fastest ride of the day was by Chris Fennell, who updated his own course record with 1.43.36! Third place went to the ever improving Nic Fennell with 1.50.52. Huck Garip recorded a fine 1.53.06. They hadn’t worked out the team prize when I left, but I’m fairly confident that Chris, Nic and Huck will have taken it.

There was bad luck for both Scott Meeks and Mike Kirkness, who both picked up impact punctures at the same pothole! Scott was particularly annoyed as he had avoided it on his first lap, then found it second time around! Mike managed to hit it on his first lap!

Club times in start order

Scott Meeks: DNF
Dave Mastin: 2.18.44
Colin Inett: 2.29.16
Simon Henderson: 1.55.07
Chris Bax (2nd claim): 2.07.30
Dave Danton: 2.06.03
Huck Garip: 1.53.06
Paul Kirkness: 2.17.56
Nic Fennell: 1.50.52
Mike Kirkness: DNF
Chirs Fennell: 1.43.36 – new course record!

Report by Dave Mastin.