The third of the series of four evening tens run by PMR was held on what was probably the warmest day of the year so far. However, it was quite windy as well, and times were slightly down for most riders who had ridden last weeks event in the cool, wet conditions.

Second claim member Chris Fennell was fastest once again with 20.22, just edging out Pete Tadros by 2 seconds. First and second claim times, in start order were;
Gary Harrison (2nd): 24.04
Andy McCall: 26.30
Dave Mastin: 25.41
Malcolm Adams (2nd): 25.51
Chris Fennell (2nd): 20.22
Chris Bax (2nd): 23.15
Colin Inett: 26.37
Simon Henderson: 21.52
Andy Burrows: 25.50

Report posted by Dave Mastin