Report from young Harriet Butcher

This morning we left home at 6am in the rain to arrive in Eastbourne still pouring down! Unfortunately Tallulah was still to battered and bruised, from her crash earlier in the week to take part in her race.
William and my race (under 8’s) was delayed for nearly two hours. Dad said we could of had an extra hour in bed!
Once our race got under way, it was amazing to ride around closed roads with local people watching and cheering us along. But after three laps our race was stopped due to pedestrians on the roads!
Once again we was re started, and set off with a safety car in front. It was brilliant to have Jez Cox (Professional Race Commenter) cheering me on and talking about me!
The race lasted for just over 20 minutes, and I came 1st female and 1st overall. William also had a great race coming in 3rd overall and 2nd boy.
When we had our presentation it was great, to climb up the steps and shake hands with Jez and the organisers, I felt like I had won a stage of the Tour de France!

Post by Colin Robinson