See Earlier Post for Times.

This week’s evening "10" mile time trial at Betteshanger CP was held in very warm conditions, but with the ever-present wind. The wind this week had swung round from the south to the north and it seemed to favour many of the riders who managed to improve on their times from last week.

We had 14 juniors take part, but only 13 finishers, as Freddie Sutton had a puncture and was a DNF. Having his first go at a "10" was William Killacky who manged a creditable time of 38.59. The fastest ride was by Charlie Dickson with a good time of 24.07. Second place went to the fastest girl, Catherine Morrell with 25.52.

31 seniors took to the start line, but we also had another DNF when Rob Milnes, who was riding fixed, broke his chain. As expected, our fastest rider was second claim member, Chris Fennell of the Independent Pedaler. Chris’s time was an impressive 18.46. In second place was brother Nic Fennell, who was fastest TRC rider with a fine 19.48. Another second claim member/Independent Pedaler rider Emma Lewis took the honours of fastest woman in a time of 21.29. Emma beat her fellow club member Alex Clay by just 10 seconds. Alex was making her first appearance at a TRC evening "10". Sophie Driscoll was quickest Thanet RC woman with 25.17.

Times of all riders can be found in the attached PDF files.

Thanks to this week’s helpers who were Terry Fearn, Chris Lord, Mike Kirkness, Andrew Morrell, Andy McCall and Dave Mastin.

A Couple of Notes:-

1) Will riders please return promptly to the car park after finishing, and keep over to the edge of the track, thus giving a safe route for those riders still competing.

2) It is most likely that for the final 3 events, starting from 19th August, that we will start riders at 30 second intervals, rather than every minute. This is to allow us to still have a field of up to 50 riders but finish before the light disappears. We will still be commencing at 6:30pm. As an example, rider number 20 will now start at 6:40 instead of 6:50.

Report by Dave Mastin