After the enforced shutdown of cycling events due to Covid-19, it was great to be able to resume our evening time trials this week at Betteshanger Country Park (BCP). This first event was very much a test event to learn how to hold an event under the current restrictions. We limited the event to a maximum of 40 riders, and just Thanet RC first and second claim members. We did not have a pusher off, and riders were started one at a time rather than in pairs as in previous years. Social distancing was also observed, including a separate sign on area and no results available on the night.

There was a great turn out of both riders, friends and helpers, all of whom seemed happy to meet up after months of isolation. The weather was good by the standards of BCP with warm sunshine but a steady breeze.

There was an excellent junior field, including two new members, Freddie Sutton and Sam Hodge who both did very respectable rides. Geroge Pittock was fastest junior with a good time of 22.49, while Millie Dack got inside 30 minutes with 29.59 to be fastest girl.

Moving onto the senior riders, second claim member Dan Martin (Team Derby) produced a rapid ride to record 19.52 for first place. In second place was the fastest first claim member, Nic Fennell with 20.15. Another second claim member, Emma Lewis (the Independent Pedlar) came 5th and was first woman rider. Emma’s time was 22.14, while Jenny Fearn was fastest first claim woman on her new TT bike with 34.03.

Times for all riders can be found in the attached PDF files.

A big thank you to all our helpers on the night, Terry Fearn, Nicola Goodban, Andrew Morrell, Paul Griffiths, Andy McCall and Dave Mastin. We must also thank the Thanet RC committee for drawing up the method and schedule for these events, in particular, Simon Henderson and Michael Friend for their input.

Report by Dave Mastin.

Juniors BCP 22nd July.pdf

Seniors BCP – 22nd July.pdf