After the event

Report from Dave Mastin.

The penultimate evening 10 mile time trial at Betteshanger CP was held in warm and muggy conditions with a steady south easterly breeze. The conditions appeared to be favourable for some good times, as there was a number of PB’s, and season’s bests for a several riders. The field of 26 consisted of 20 seniors and 6 juniors.

Starting with the juniors, it was Dougie Tulett who was fastest boy with a time of 24.32, and Ferne Peirce was top of the times for the girls with 25.35. Once again, Nina Reid recorded a PB with 28.32, and I believe it was also a PB for Alice Tulett with a time of 34.56. And on the theme of PB’s, William Tulett improved his time in the recumbent by a good margin to record 23.19.

It was a course PB for our fastest senior rider, Chris Fennell of The Independent Pedaler. Chris took 3 more seconds off his course PB from last week to end up with 18.37. Ollie Robinson was was second and just failed to beat 20 minutes with 20.01. In third, and also with a course PB was Bill Hawkes who got under the 21 minute barrier to record 20.56. Faye Faiers was quickest woman rider in a time of 25.59.

Thanks as always go to the band of volunteers, without whom, we could not hold these events. This week, we say thanks to Annie Newport-Davis, Colin Robinson, David Tulett, Terry Fearn, Andy McCall and Dave Mastin.

Juniors BCP 24th August

Seniors BCP 24th August