It was a warm but breezy evening for the club’s latest evening 10 mile time trial at Betteshanger CP. Riders had to endure a headwind at the back of the track as they approached the hairpin.

We had 25 riders take part in total, with a welcome return to former club first claim member and multiple national champion, Chris Fennell. Also taking part in her first club TT was new member Sorcha Page.

We had 6 juniors participate, 5 on conventional TT bikes and William Tulett in his faired recumbent. William’s time was 24.23, a few seconds slower than his time from last week. Brother Dougie Tulett was fastest on a TT bike with a fine 24.29, while Ferne Peirce also posted a good time of 25.34 to top the times of the girl riders. There was a good ride by Nina Reid, with 28.48, which is an age record for a 13 year old girl.

It was no surprise that Chris Fennell set the fastest time overall, covering the course in a rapid 19.09, over two minutes ahead of Bill Hawkes, first TRC rider with 21.23. Once again, Faye Faiers was quickest woman with a time of 26.13.

Times of all riders are in the attached files.

Thank you to all this week’s helpers: Jenny & Terry Fearn, Malcolm Adams, Trevore Peirce, Michael Friend, Paul Kirkness, Andy McCall and Dave Mastin.

We are always looking for helpers at the evening 10’s so please come forward if you can assist. Thank you.

Report by Dave Mastin.

Juniors BCP 27th July.pdf

Seniors BCP 27th July.pdf