The final evening time trial of the season was a 10 mile event at Betteshanger CP. Conditions were typical of Betteshanger, in that it was windy, cool and rather grey. In total, 40 riders signed on, which was encouraging, considering the weather earlier in the day had been poor. There was 8 juniors, 28 solo seniors, a 2-up pair and a tandem taking part.

As expected, the times recorded were affected by the conditions, with most riders somewhat slower than in previous weeks. George Pittock was the quickest of the juniors with 24.24, with Catherine Morrell taking third place and fastest girl in a time of 25.50.

Nick Scott topped the times for the senior riders with 22.05, with Simon Henderson in second place in 22.57. Our fastest woman rider was Faye Faiers in a time of 27.45. Nic Fennell rode a 2-up with Sophie Driscoll and they finished in 26.29, while the tandem team of Sue Shields and Andy McCall recorded 26.00.

All times can be found in the PDF files below.

This week’s group of helpers included Di Yemm, Terry Fearn, Paul Kirkness, Michael Friend, Martin Hendy, Shawn Manning, Keith Allen, Andrew Morrell and Dave Mastin.

Report by Dave Mastin.

Juniors BCP 5th Sept.pdf

Seniors BCP – 5th Sept.pdf