Conditions for the latest evening time trial at Betteshanger were cool, dry and overcast with light winds.  After the favourable conditions of the previous week, most riders were a handful of seconds slower this week.  A total of 20 riders took part, 14 seniors, 5 juniors and a guest rider on his recumbent trike.

It was no surprise that Dougie Tulett topped the times of the junior riders with 23.01.  The next two places went to the Lea Valley Youth CC twins, Harriet and William Butcher.  Their respective time were 26.44 and 27.19.  Fastest Thanet RC girl was Nina Reid with a time of 27.52.

Second claim member Lance Childs was quickest senior rider in a good time of 21.01, with Neil Gerrard second with 22.19.  Honours for fastest female rider went to Faye Faiers who recorded 26.54.

Our guest rider on the recumbent trike was James Coxon.  James will be participating in the World HPV championships in August this year at Betteshanger and he was keen to try out the circuit beforehand.  He is a para cyclist with both world and national championships to his name, and holder of the 100km record.  His pedigree was evident when he clocked the best time of the evening, 20.07.

Times of all riders can be found in the accompanying table.

As always, we must thank our band of helpers who ensure that the event can take place.  This week, they were Andy McCall, Terry Fearn, Malcolm Adams and Dave Mastin.

All Riders BCP 12th June