This week, the conditions at Betteshanger CP were better, although the ever-present north east wind was still apparent. It was a bit milder than of late too.

Four juniors and twenty nine seniors made up this week’s field, including a good proportion of girls and women taking part.

Catherine Morrell came top of the junior riders with a time of 25.49, while top boy this week was William Butcher with 41.00.

Fastest senior rider was Thanet RC’s Shawn Manning, who recorded a time of 21.50. The honour of fastest woman went to TRC’s Jo Smith, whose time was 25.05. There was also a PB for Simon “Cinderella” Charles who recorded a time of 26.22.

Please see the attachments for the times of all riders. This week’s helpers were Sorcha, Andrew Morrell, Colin Inett, Andy McCall and Dave Mastin.

Report by Dave Mastin.

Juniors BCP 15th May.pdf

Seniors BCP 15th May.pdf