This week’s 10-mile time triallists at Betteshanger CP had to battle against a strong north easterly wind, although at least it was bright and sunny.  We had 16 riders take part, 2 juniors, 10 senior solo riders and a couple of 2-up teams.

The poorer conditions were reflected in slower times for almost all riders. After a series of recent 22-minute rides, fastest junior was Dougie Tulett with 23.20.  Likewise, fastest girl Alice Tulett’s time slipped away from her recent sub 30-minute rides to 31.09.

Top of the senior solo riders was Neil Gerrard with a time of 22.12, ahead of Simon Henderson in second place.  Simon’s time was 23.30.  Making his first appearance this year in an evening “10” was second claim member Shawn Manning, who rode a road bike to third place in a time of 23.57.  Fastest female rider this week was Fiona Flaherty, whose time was 30.02.

The quickest 2-up team was the pairing of Faye Faiers and Pete Huckstep in 26.12.  The regular 2-up pairing of Ola Zdzieblowska and Richard McVey recorded a time of 27.44, a one second improvement over their time from two weeks earlier.

Times of all riders can be found in the accompanying table.

As always, we must thank our band of helpers who ensure that the event can take place.  This week, they were Andy McCall, Terry Fearn, Malcolm Adams and Dave Mastin.

All Riders BCP 19th June