At last!  After 4 weeks of cold and windy weather at Betteshanger CP, we had some better conditions for the first evening “10” of May.  It was noticeably warmer and the wind was fairly light.  Possibly due to the better weather, we had a few more riders sign on this week.  The improved conditions were reflected in the better times posted by those riders who had endured the grim April weather.

In total, 18 riders took to the start line, comprising 2 junior riders and 16 senior riders.  Harrison King headed the times of the juniors with a comfortable improvement on his PB in a time of 27.15.  Once again top senior rider was second claim member Lance Childs with a very good time of 20.37.  Second place went to Velorefined’s Mark Hill (22.41), while in third place was the first Thanet RC rider, Simon Henderson who recorded 23.11.  The fastest female rider was second claim member Maria Sparks in a time of 26.03, while Faye Faiers was first Thanet RC woman with 27.06.

Times of all riders can be found in the accompanying table.

As always, we must thank our band of helpers who ensure that the event can take place.  This week, they were Malcolm Adams, Michael Friend, Terry Fearn, Andy McCall and Dave Mastin.

All Riders BCP 1st May