We were quite fortunate with the weather for the latest evening time trial at Betteshanger CP.  Earlier in the day, it had been showery, but by sign-on time, it was bright and breezy.  A few late withdrawals saw the field reduced in size down to 14 riders, 4 of which were juniors.

It was no surprise that our fastest junior was Dougie Tulett with 23.00, and his time was also the best overall for the evening. Nina Reid was quickest girl rider in second place in a time of 28.03, while it was yet another fine ride and PB for Alice Tulett, who recorded 29.04.

It was very tight at the top of the times for the senior riders.  Martin O’Grady beat Simon Henderson by just one second.  Their times were 23.18 and 23.19 respectively.  Fastest female rider was Fiona Flaherty with a time of 29.47.  Also riding was member Paul Maxwell, who now lives up north, but was staying in the area and came to try out the Betteshanger course.

Times of all riders can be found in the accompanying table.

As always, we must thank our band of helpers who ensure that the event can take place.  This week, they were Malcolm Adams, Terry Fearn, David Tulett and Dave Mastin.

All Riders BCP 22nd May