This week’s riders enjoyed the best conditions of the year so far at Betteshanger CP.  With the rather belated arrival of summer came some warm temperatures, light winds and some reasonable times posted by the field of 19 riders.

We had 4 riders in the junior section of the field, and as expected, Dougie Tulett headed the times with a decent time of 23.24, with VC Deal’s Seb Mugford in second with 27.19. Third place went to the fastest girl rider, Nina Reid, whose time was 28.09.

With regards to the 15 senior riders, in top spot was Neil Gerrard with an excellent 21.42, just a few seconds off his PB.  In second place with 22.09 was VeloRefined’s Mark Hill, with Simon Henderson 3rd in a time of 22.37.  Our quickest woman rider was Faye Faiers in 7th who rode well to record 25.52.

Times of all riders can be found in the accompanying table.

As always, we must thank our band of helpers who ensure that the event can take place.  This week, they were Andy McCall, Paul Griffiths, Malcolm Adams and Dave Mastin.

All Riders BCP 26th June