Although the weather looked rather dismal, conditions for this week’s evening 10 mile time trial at Betteshanger CP were quite favourable with a light northerly wind. A total of just 30 riders signed on, which included a good field of 10 juniors.

A number of the junior riders did some excellent rides with PB’s for William and Harriet Butcher, William and Alice Tulett and Nina Reid. Fastest junior this week was Tallulah Butcher with a fine 25.55. Fastest boy was new second claim member, Sam Benson of VC Deal with a time of 26.40, while Dougie Tulett was quickest Thanet RC boy in a time of 28.45.

Bill Hawkes was top of the times for the seniors with a good time of 21.48, while second claim member Jo Van Velzen of VC Deal was fastest woman rider in 30.28. Jenny Fearn was quickest Thanet RC woman with 33.54.

Times of all riders are in the attached files.

Thanks to this week’s helpers, Terry Fearn, Shawn Manning, Andrew Morrell, Andy McCall and Dave Mastin.

A quick reminder that next week’s event is a 4-up time trial.

Report by D Mastin.

Juniors BCP 30th June.pdf

Seniors BCP 30th June.pdf