The final evening 10-mile time trial of 2024 was held at Betteshanger CP in cool and overcast conditions with a steady north easterly breeze. This was the first season for several years where we have manged to run a full program.  We often have to cancel the occasional event due to poor weather, but this year, we were able to run every event on the schedule.

We had quite a good turnout for this final event with 4 juniors and 20 senior riders.

Fastest junior rider was Dougie Tulett, having recorded a PB of 21.44 a few days earlier in the CTT National 10-mile championships. Dougie’s time was 22.49.  Nina Reid also updated her PB at the same championships to 27.06 and recorded a time of 28.07 for fastest girl.

The top place in the senior event was a dead heat between George Pittock, making his first appearance at an evening 10 this year, and VeloRefined’s Mark Hill.  Their time was 21.48, with George competing on a road bike. Just 4 seconds behind was Neil Gerrard with 21.52.  Fastest female rider was Faye Faiers in a time of 25.52, while second female rider with 26.13 was Maria Sparks of Ashford Wheelers.

Finally, I must report that three generations of the Tullet family took part in this final event of 2024.  In addition to Alice and Dougie in the junior event, we had grandfather Robert beat his son David by just 8 seconds, their times were 38.11 and 38.19 respectively.

Times of all riders can be found in the accompanying table.

As always, we must thank our band of helpers who ensure that the event can take place.  This week, they were Andy McCall, Terry Fearn, Michael Friend and Dave Mastin.

Lastly, the annual GHS junior championship takes place on 8th September, and we wish Alice and Dougie Tulett and Seb Mugford the best of luck for safe and successful rides.

All Riders BCP 4th September