There was a small turnout of riders at Betteshanger CP for the first time trial of 2020. Just 17 riders signed on, which included 7 juniors. Conditions were cold and grey, but there was no wind which was very unusual, as regular riders will testify.

Tallulah Butcher was both fastest junior and fastest girl in a time of 28.26, with Ferne Peirce second in 32.43. Third place went to the fastest boy, which was Toby Clayson of VC Deal with a time of 33.26. William Tulett was fastest TRC boy finishing with 39.15 and a puncture too.

Senior honours went to Seb Dickson with a very respectable time of 22.47, with new club member Gary Pullen in second at 25.26. Charmaine Pullen of Folkestone VC was fastest woman in 3rd place in a time of 26.34, whilst Jenny Fearn was fastest club woman in 35.27. Michael Friend made a rare appearance on a TT bike but punctured late on and was a DNF.

Times for all riders to be found in the PDF documents.

As always, we must not forget the helpers; this time they were Sue Shields, Nicola Goodban, Paul Kirkness, David Redmond, Paul Griffiths, Andy McCall and Dave Mastin.

Report by Dave Mastin.

Juniors BCP 1st Jan.pdf

Seniors BCP 1st Jan.pdf