Thanet Road Club is displaying exhibits from its archive to celebrate its 70th anniversary. Founded in 1947, the club offers this unique view into quintessential cycling club life at the aptly name Archive, a café and homestore at Ramsgate Harbour. The free exhibition runs from Wednesday 5 April – Monday 17 April 09.30-17.00 (closed Tuesdays).

Exhibition curator and club Heritage Officer, David Robert, says it’s not to be missed: “The exhibition gives a glorious view into cycling in Thanet since the forties. It will be enjoyed by cyclists, historians and Thanet residents who thrive on nostalgia. As well as historic photos, there are paintings, logo designs and even the club’s first ever jersey, knitted in mohair wool, with the original knit pattern on display too.”

Please print and display attached flyer to publicise.

More about the club’s history can be found at:

TRC Exhibition Poster at the Archive.pdf