This week, for a change, the weather at Betteshanger was warmer, with a south westerly wind replacing the north easterly which had been almost ever-present this year. Times were generally a bit better for most riders. There was a total of 46 riders taking part, comprising 10 juniors, 34 solo senior riders, and a tandem pair.

Our quickest junior rider was also our quickest girl, with Catherine Morrell coming in with 25.56 for yet another age record. In second place was the first of the boys, which was Flynn Robinson having his first ride for a couple of years. Flynn’s time was 27.12.

Dan Martin, University of Bath CC and second claim TRC member, was top of the senior times with a fine 20.11. Nick Scott was the best of the TRC riders with 22.21, while Kim Wood clocked the fastest women’s time in 25.53.

Finally, Andy McCall dusted down his tandem and took Sue Shields round the track in a very respectable time of 27.18.

Times for all riders can be viewed in the accompanying PDF files.

As always, thanks go out to the band of helpers who make the event happen. This week they were Shawn Manning, Simon Neame, Adrian Hawkins, Nic Fennell, Brian Hood, Chris Lord, Michael Friend, Terry Fearn and Dave Mastin.

Report by Dave Mastin.