It was another warm and sunny evening at Betteshanger for the latest club evening time trial. However, the wind was a strong breeze from the south west, which held back the times of most riders. In total, 31 riders signed on, 8 juniors, 21 seniors and a tandem pair.

Our fastest junior rider was also our fastest girl, which was Tallulah Butcher in 27.46. Second junior and fastest boy was Alex Dack with a time of 28.09.

As expected, Nic Fennell topped the times for the senior riders with 21.07, over a minute ahead of Adrian Hawkins in second with 22.14. Breda Pooke made a rare appearance and was quickest woman with 30.03. Finally, Andy McCall rode one of his tandems with yet another new partner! This time he persuaded Sorcha, mum of the Butcher youngsters, to sit and look at his rear for 10 miles! Their time was 26.07.

All times can be found in the attached PDF files.

This weeks band of helpers was Malcolm Adams, Terry Fearn, Paul Kirkness, Michael friend and Dave Mastin.

Report by Dave Mastin.

Juniors BCP 7th August.pdf

Seniors BCP 7th August.pdf