Posted by Jim Dickson, Secretary

Dear Members

after a happy year of cycling the dark winter nights signal the fact that 2016 membership year is over and club subscriptions for 2017 are now due.

The good work of club volunteers in coaching, timekeeping, marshaling etc. in keeping costs low, and the healthy state of club funds, means that we can continue with the same subscription rates as last year:

  • Seniors £20.00
  • Juniors £10.00
  • Juvenile / youth £6.00
  • Second claim £12.00
  • Over 60 £10.00
  • Social £5.00
  • Family £35.00

I will extend the membership of new members who have joined since the beginning of August to cover the whole of 2017. If you are in this category then you do not need to pay 2017 subs.

I would be grateful if all other members could subscribe for 2017 using the join button on the club website: . This gives you the opportunity to update your contact and personal details on the club data base – note that BC regards this as your data and it is not necessarily easy for me to make changes to it.

If you wish, you can also pay subs direct to Dave Mastin or me. If you don’t want to use the on-line system and need to update your details please send me a new form or an e-mail (thanetrcsec @ with the correct information on it.

I am in the process of updating the Rules. When this is complete and the hand book is print I will organise the membership mail shot. The mail shot will go out in the middle of February 2017. This year, the membership package will include:

  • Rule Book
  • Frame Stickers
  • 70th Anniversary pin badge

If you want to be sure to get the package, and to continue receiving club communications into 2017, please renew your membership by the end of 2016.

Best wishes,


Secretary Thanet Road Club