A very busy weekend for the club riders and organisers this weekend. Firstly was the Tour D’Betteshanger kindly sponsored by Overden. The youth events run by Phil Cook saw some fantastic results for the club with 7 wins out of 10 events. Special mention to Ben Hutton, Ferne Pierce Grace Philpott, George Pittock and Alex Ashman for gaining their first wins at regional level. Thanks to all helpers on the day.
In the afternoon was the Adalta adult Summit races. TRC rider Ed Smith while leading unfortunately crashed out of the GoRace but no serious injuries. In the women’s race Caroline Rigby lost touch with the main peloton however kept going for 9th place. Finally Ollie in the cat 2-3-4 race gained 2nd= in a fast sprint finish almost catching Adalta winning rider Ross Byran.
On Sunday Ollie was again riding in the tough SERLL cat 2-3-4 road race on hilly Rolvenden circuit in 70 mile race. Ollie suffered a bit in very hot weather and sore legs from day before but still finished 19th in field of 60. Finally Rob Milnes travelled up to Ashwell for a Grasstrack event organised by Victoria’s dad Max Pendleton. Rob rode very strongly gaining 6th overall. Post by Colin Robinson
Photo credit Phil Cook and Steve Ashman.