Thanet Road Club - Time Trial Guidance

We are planning to run individual time trials for TRC members 1st and 2nd claim only, following the current published Time Trial Schedule on the TRC website. It will be our usual location – Betteshanger Country Park. The TRC guidance is similar to that successfully run in 2020 & 2021.

You will receive confirmation that you have entered. If you are entering yourself and for members of your family you will be able to enter once on the same form for all family members.

Entry to TRC Club time trials

  • All Thanet Road Club members will be sent an e-mail through our British Cycling portal in advance of each club time trial. The e-mail will contain a link. Clicking on the link will take you to a ‘Google form’ for Thanet Road Club.
  • To ride you will need to complete the form and submit it.
  • If you are an individual entrant complete the individual rider section and leave ‘individual rider (family)’ section blank.
  • If you are also entering other members of your family, you can use the same form using ‘individual rider (family)’ sections.
  • No other multiple entries will be considered.
  • Each form submitted will receive confirming your entry.
  • All entrants will get a place on the start sheet for the event that week
  • Your number and start time will be advised at Betteshanger when you ‘sign on’ at the event.
  • The start sheet will not be available prior to the event.
  • Please only enter the event if you are definitely planning to ride.
  • If you try and enter the event and it is already full you will receive a response advising you the event is closed and no longer accepting entries.
  • You will be prevented by the system from entering more than once for each event.
  • Entries are on a first come/first served basis.


Q: What should I do if I have entered one of these events and then know I will be unable to ride?

A: Go back on line to the ‘Google form’ for Thanet Road Club. Edit your entry and enter ‘Your name- not riding’ and re-send it. This will allow your place to be given to the next rider on the list who received a response advising the event was closed.
A: OR on the day – Contact Dave Mastin, Michael Friend, Andy McCall or Simon Henderson and let them know


If you are able to marshal for us – Thank you!

Please contact Dave Mastin, Michael Friend, Andy McCall or Simon Henderson and let them know you can help. Without you, we may not be riding.


  • Payment for entry will be by bank transfer to the club at 3 times during the season
  • TRC members, 1st and 2nd claim £6.00 per event ridden
  • TRC junior members 1st and 2nd claim £3.00 per event ridden
  • Prior to the payments being due, bank transfer details will be sent to all members. We will use the email address you have registered with British Cycling.
  • To help with club cashflow/administration it would be appreciated if you can make the payments
    when requested.
  • Members who do not pay when requested may be restricted from entering subsequent events.
  • These are our current guidelines and they will be amended if required.
  • If you have any improvement suggestions or other questions, please contact the club secretary

Thanet Road Club Event Schedule

A few avenues exist, road racing, time trialling, cyclocross and mountain bike racing:

Attending the Event

You can arrive and park in the carpark if it is open (normal closing time for country park changes, you will need to check at Betteshanger). If you arrive early, they may ask you to vacate the park until 17:45. If the park is closed, from 17:45 until 18:20 the entrance gate Betteshanger will be manned and only open to allow entry TRC members who are riding or marshalling.

Please be considerate to others when parking, signing on, warming up, at start, and after the event. As with any TT drafting is not permitted. Sign on will be located in the carpark. You will need to bring your own pen to be able sign on. Numbers may not be issued, so, you will need to remember your number, your start time and remember to SHOUT it to the timekeeper when crossing the finish line, otherwise, you may not get a time!

Remember that TRC club events are not run under Cycling Time Trials (CTT) regulations, although we do follow many of the same requirements. Helmets are compulsory for all riders at Betteshanger. For 2022 CTT are requiring all machines to have both front and rear lights (either flashing or static), fitted and working. We are encouraging this but it is not compulsory for our club events.

A reminder that other events run at Betteshanger may run following all CTT regulations. If warming up before park closure you need to cycle in the direction indicated on the track. You can warm up on the track from park closure until 18:20 (look up as marshals may not be in place), usual TT direction.

Normally individual riders will start at 1-minute intervals. To help with timings, sometimes more than 1 rider will start at the same time, this will be advised prior to starting. The number of entrants will be limited. Marshalls and timekeepers will be in place around the track as normal. Please look out for other members of the public who may be using the park facilities. Have a safe and enjoyable ride!

When your ride is complete and you are leaving the track (by the start), please do this in a purposeful manner and do not linger on the track impeding the progress of those still completing. Please vacate the Country Park as soon as practicable after your ride. There will be a TRC representative to open the Country Park gate from 19:30ish to allow riders to leave. Everyone must ensure they have left the Country Park by 20:00 when gates will be locked. This helps the club from incurring extra costs. Times will be posted on TRC website. Please do not approach the timekeepers, no times will be available on the night.