The club was well represented in the popular VTTA (Kent) 10 mile time trial on the Q10/30 Thanet Way course. This is the event that was run successfully by our own Colin Inett for many years, and this year, was run very efficiently by Folkestone VC. It was a warm day, but the stiff westerly breeze gave little shelter to the riders on the homeward leg, and consequently, times were affected.

It was a very close thing for top spot, with Nic Fennell just pipping Kevin Tye of Velorefined by a single second. Nic’s time was 20.13. The Velorefined riders were out in force and cleared up the various veterans awards. Second claim member Natasha Jarman (Southborough and DW) was the fastest non veteran woman with a time of 26.28.

Times of all cub riders in start order as follows:-

Paul Kirkness: 24.40,
Dave Mastin: 26.57,
Colin Inett: 28.19,
Mike Perry: 29.26,
Malcolm Adams (2nd claim): 28.49,
Chris Bax (2nd claim): 24.10,
Pete Huckstep: 26.42,
Shawn Manning: 21.32,
Simon Charles: 26.32 (PB),
Nick Fennell: 20.13,
Andy Burrows: 26.54,
Natasha Jarman (2nd claim): 26.28,
Paul Griffiths: 28.14,
Simon Henderson: 22.52,
Paul Kelk: 25.39.

Report by Dave Mastin.