The last local open time trial of 2019 was the VTTA Kent 15 mile event held on the Hamstreet bypass. Conditions were challenging, with a stiff headwind on the leg from Ashford to the roundabout at Brenzett. It was fairly mild, and dry, although the roads were damp from overnight rain.

Despite the less than ideal conditions, second member Chris Fennell (The Independent Pedaler) recorded an impressive time of 28.16 to win by more than two minutes. Second place went to club rider Nic Fennell with a time of 30.28.

I had a rather poor ride after the recent crash on the tandem trike. I had a high heart rate but low power; apparently it is better the other way round!

Club riders times in start order:-

Paul Kirkness: 38.07,
Dave Mastin: 42.54,
Simon Henderson: 34.17,
Nic Fennell: 30.28,
Andy Burrows: 41.35,
Chris Bax (2nd claim): 36.36,
Chris Fennell (2nd claim): 28.16.

Report by Dave Mastin.