A number of club riders made the trip down to Romney Marsh for VTTA (Kent) 50 mile time trial. The course was essentially two laps of the Brenzett, Camber, Lydd circuit. Conditions were overcast, warm, dry and with a gently rising breeze. There were a number of PB’s for our riders, and also improvements on the last 3 seasons times for some of the more experienced riders whose PB’s are a distant memory!

Times in starting order were:
Jim Dickson: 2.13.11
Rob Milnes: 2.11.22
Colin Inett: 2.26.29
Dave Mastin: 2.16.12
Andy Burrows: 2.16.38
Chris Bax (2nd cl.) 2.04.59
Olly Dickson: 2.13.49
Simon Henderson: 1.56.16
Seb Dickson: 1.55.31
Mark Palmer: 2.00.28
Rick Perkins: 2.02.53

Fastest ride of the day was Kevin Tye with 1.46.45.

Report posted by a rather tired Dave Mastin.