Places for under 18s on Heritage Young Biographers Project.

Participants partner with a veteran club member to produce a biographical piece in any medium desired (film, photo, written, sketch, etc.) which can be presented/shared in the 2017 anniversary year. The workshops will help you to work with archive material, choose a key moment(s) in the vet’s life and support you to create a finished piece that can be shared with the club. It is important to say you are not writing a life story- you my well work with a single moment, or a few moments, in vet’s history that interests you.

Venue- Thanet TBC


Sat Nov 21 10-1200. Initial meeting

Sat 5 Dec 10-1330 (lunch included). Workshop with veterans

Sat 30 Jan 2016 10-1200. On going project support

April/May (tbc) 2016. Presentation Session

Contact- David Robert davealexrob(at)